Our History

- It's been termed "The Day Everything Changed"
On Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at precisely 12pm, RunGSP launches registration for it's first signature event: the Main Street Mile. As participants begin to register, miles away in Geneva Switzerland, the World Health Organization is convening for emergency council, officially characterizing COVID-19 as a pandemic.
By 4pm, the stock market has plunged 20%. At 9pm, President Trump addresses the nation from the Oval Office, banning all incoming European air travel. At 9:46pm, the NBA officially suspends their season. A few minutes later, Tom Hanks posts an announcement on Instagram: he and his wife are sick with coronavirus.

-First Annual Trick or Trot 5K
As Summer turns to Fall, the CDC releases guidelines allowing for small outdoor gatherings. With reccomended protocol in place, such as "six feet of seperation" . By instituting wave starts of ~25 runners, approval is gained from the City of Spartanburg to produce the first annual Trick or Trot 5K on October 31, 2020. The race attracts 93 finishers and a handful of fun runners

-First Annual Love Where You Live 5K
A few months later, CDC guidelines evolve, and registration for the first annual Love Where You Live 5K is launched. Notable partnerships with Fr8Yard, Eggs up Grill, and CORA Physical Therapy help the race sell out of 300 allotted slots.

-Reimagining the Main Street Mile
PAL-Play, Advocate, Live Well, reschedules the annual CRIT for August, and allows RunGSP to invite a small field of professoinal runners to compete in an invite-only, one mile race, Kip wins in a stunning time of 4:02.